Cortland Water Treatment Plant & Air Stripper Project
Cedarwood was contracted by the City of Cortland, NY to design water treatment upgrades including the refurbishment of the existing air stripper and relocation at the Broadway well field site. The air stripper was installed around 1987 to be utilized as required to treat trichloroethene (TCE). The air stripper was no longer functional and in need of repair and a new blower, booster pump and motor. New 16” mains were also installed to and from the air stripper to connect into the existing 24” line inside the chlorination building. The chlorine injection building was also expanded and an upgraded flowmeter installed. The plant #2 facility building was also upgraded and the SCADA system was moved into this building to improve the overall control.
Project Cost: $4 million
Contractor(s): M.Hubbard Construction, Inc.
John Mills Electric, Inc.
C&S Technical Resources, Inc.
Funding Agencies: NYS EFC WIIA Grant & SRF Loan
Project Status: Completed in 2022