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FACILITY TYPE: Water and Wastewater

The Village of Andes, located in Delaware County, New York, retained Lawler, Matusky & Skelly Engineers LLP in March 1998 to provide engineering services for the construction of the sanitary sewer system and wastewater treatment plant. Funding for construction was provided under the New Infrastructure Program of the Memorandum Agreement between New York City and various communities of upstate New York. The Town of Andes inherited ownership of the wastewater collection and treatment system in January of 2004. The facility is currently permitted for 62,000 GPD and uses, among other technologies and processes, an activated sludge process, Parkson DynaSand upflow filters as well as chlorination for disinfection and dechlorination. Installed in 2012, the wastewater treatment plant utilizes a two-tiered Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) which allows for improved effluent quality.  This Plant is operated by Cedarwood Environmental Services.

2018 - Cedarwood Engineering (22) (GREEN

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